Dry River Canyon
Sep 03, 2018To conclude Labor Day weekend, we headed over to Dry River Canyon (about 16 miles east of Bend) for an afternoon hike. It’s located just outside the boundary of Oregon Badlands Wilderness. The canyon is closed to visitors from Feb 1st to Aug 31st to protect nesting birds of prey. It was an enjoyable...
Tam McArthur Rim Trail
Jul 27, 2018We took a drive up to Three Creeks Lake, Just north of Sisters, to check out the campgrounds today. We happened upon the Tam McArthur Rim trail and decided to take a hike. It was a great trail with lots of eye candy.
Steelhead Falls
Jul 06, 2018Steelhead Falls, which is included in the Deschutes Canyon-Steelhead Falls Wilderness Study Area, was on today's books.
Old McKenzie Highway Loop
Jun 20, 2018The Old McKenzie Highway opened on Monday after the Milli/ Separation fires & winter closure. This sounded like a good excuse for a little auto touring. It was interesting to see the fire areas as they backed up to the lava flows. We decided to drive the whole loop around Mt Washington and, in the...