Top Photo: Deschutes River trail in Bend.
Enjoying a week in Bend at Crown Villa RV Resort! Very nice! After the week is up, we head back to Thousand Trails near Sunriver.
Crown Villa RV Resort: Site #E10, this site has water & electric, dump station nearby (most sites have full hookups), 106 total sites, 3765 ft elevation. July 24th - August 2nd.
Overall Experience:
Bend-Sunriver Thousand Trails Campground. Large campground, with spacious wooded sites, on the Little Deschutes River, near Bend, OR.
Bend-Sunriver Thousand Trails Campground: Site #A7, this site has water & electric, dump station nearby, 289 total sites, 4173 ft elevation. July 9th - July 24th & August 2nd - August 11th. Overall Experience:
A Visit to Atlas Cider
Atlas tasting room on Wilson
Bend is known for its brewpubs & breweries, but now there is an emerging craft cider movement. Both Tank Cider and Atlas Cider, based in Bend, make natural ciders without artificial flavorings, colorings, or other chemicals. After sampling Atlas Cider at the Bend Summer Festival on Sunday, we made a point of seeking out their tasting room on Tuesday. We left after tasting their current offerings with our growler filled with Hard POM-Cherry Cider (apple base with Pomegranate and Cherry). Now, doesn't that sound delicious?