This pic was taken after the race in Tuttle Creek campground near Lone Pine by our friend, Beth
We are now at Horton creek campground near Bishop CA. High desert on the eastern side of the Sierras. Beautiful mountain views all around. Death Valley was awesome. I was amazed at the diversity. We hit an unseasonably cool time with highs never over the low nineties with cool nights. We had been concerned that it would be too hot before we got there as some of their things start closing down in May. Nine days was not enough to even scratch the surface. (It is the size of Connecticut.)
Leaving Death Valley, we stayed near Lone Pine, where a trail race happened to be starting and finishing in our campground. My lucky day!! We even ran into a couple of women we had met at a race years back. Lone Pine is right at the base of Mt Whitney, so we had some great hikes and got in to some tall trees for the first time. We have been enjoying the desert but the trees and mountain streams made me remember why I like the Pacific NW so much.
Stalker is doing well, but not carrying his weight. We picked up a mouse/mice near Deming NM, and are still finding evidence of them. Seems that is fairly common in the desert environment. An RV with a cat should not have mice!!
We are now longer on the road than we ever have been and really enjoying it. Not all days are perfect, there are still bills to pay and chores to be done as this is life rather than vacation. But it is a lifestyle I think we will be happy with for quite some time. It is amazing how many folks full-time RV...5-10 years is not uncommon, some for up to 25 years. Of course we miss all our Austin friends, but are very grateful for this opportunity.
~ Diana