We woke up Monday morning with the intent to hit the road. Stalker was having labored breathing, so we went to the vet in Grand Forks instead. X-rays of his lungs were darker than normal, indicating infection or cancer. Treated for infection, but when we got back to the coach, he rapidly declined. T...
We found a nice state park on Lake George in the Adirondack Park Preserve. This will be a one-nighter as we are in speed up mode at the moment.
Enjoying a near-empty National Park Campground on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Stalker is quite relaxed.
"Our campsite on the end of a loop is set off from the other sites. We have Tennessee woods with no sites on three sides of us."
We landed at Kincaid Lake campground near Alexandria, LA: Nice spacious sites, a glimpse of Kincaid Lake through the trees, and trail nearby.
We're back on the road again after a seven-week layover in Austin, TX. Feels Good.
It's really nice to have friends and family in Austin that have generously offered to park our RV in their driveway.
We Landed at Gilbert Ray Campground in Tucson Mountain Park just outside of Tucson, AZ, and right next to Saguaro National Park.
Top Photo: The patio at the park's art center. Looks nice and cozy.
Jojoba Hills is a wonderful SKP Co-op built and maintained by its members. Lots of activities and friendly folks can be found here!